The Basics

Contact my Advisor

  • Students advised at the Academic Advising Center may contact their advisors through email or by calling the Advising Center at 319-353-5700.
  • Students not advised at the Advising Center, but who have general advising questions may e-mail the AAC.
  • Entering University of Iowa students:  You will meet your academic advisor at Orientation, during which you will choose and register for the courses that you'll take during your first semester at the University.

If you are not sure who your advisor is, these directions will help you find out in MyUI.

Make an Appointment

Schedule your advising appointment in MyUI.

Change my Schedule

Before you add or drop courses, please contact your academic advisor. The change may be simple and straightforward. However, your advisor can let you know if there are details or implications you were not aware of.

How you change your schedule will depend on whether MyUI is open for registration changes or not.

You can usually make schedule changes on MyUI before the 6th day of the fall or spring semester (1st day of summer term). However, you should check the academic calendar to make sure, and contact your advisor with questions.


Register for Classes

Begin by scheduling an appointment with your academic advisor. Before the meeting, read and complete Preparing for Advising Meetings items.

Meet with your advisor and discuss questions, plans, and any concerns for the following term. In this meeting, you'll also learn more about the registration approval process. Registration approval is often one of the final advising meetings you'll have in the semester.

Build Connections

Attend Instructor Office Hours

Instructors post office hours in the course syllabus, so check there first. If you have questions, email or speak with your instructor in person before or after class.

If you have another class during scheduled office hours, contact your instructor about arranging a different time.

Contact my Instructor

Here are some ways to connect with your instructors:

  • Office hours are times that instructors set aside for their students. Speaking in-person with your instructor is often the most helpful, efficient way to get questions answered.
  • Email works best for shorter questions or things you need to be clarified.
  • Depending on your schedule, and your instructors, speaking either before or after class might be an option.

Explore Student Orgs

Explore the list of student organizations on the Campus Labs website.

Get Involved at IOWA

Meet with an Engagement Advisor.

Check out the UI Leadership & Engagement website.

Find Support

Academic Support

Instructors are the best place to being when you are facing academic challenges in a course - whether that is not understanding the material, not knowing how to prepare for tests, or anything in between. Some important things to keep in mind when asking for help:

  • Check your course syllabus for scheduled office hours. If time conflicts prevent you from using those times, email your instructor to arrange a different time.
  • Before you attend office hours, write down as clearly as you can the questions you have. What course topics do you need help with? What have you already tried? Read the Visiting Office Hours guide on Tutor Iowa for more details to help you prepare.

Tutor Iowa is a great place to look for academic support outside of course resources, and it is always available. In addition to searching for resources for particular courses, don't miss these helpful supports:

Be sure to check out our Resources: Building your Network page as well. Contact your academic advisor if you have questions about any of these, or need help finding other resources.

Financial Support

Here are a few resources students utilize most often, but be sure to check out the Resources: Building your Network page for more.

Wellbeing & Social Support