Applications for law school become available around September, the year prior to the fall semester you intend to enter law school. It is in your best interest to apply to law school early, even if law school application deadlines are in the spring. Law schools use a rolling admissions process, which means that schools start evaluating and admitting students in the fall, a year prior and well before the application deadline.
Plan to apply to law school one year before your intended start date. This will give you better odds of admission and an increased likelihood of being awarded merit-based aid. Typically, we recommend that students have all applications completed by November.
Application Timeline
Third Year | If you have financial need, plan to apply for the LSAC Fee Waiver at the start of your junior year. The waiver could cover a portion of the above costs. You should plan to appeal if you are denied aid. - Attend a Law School Fair.
- Research law schools.
- Register for the Candidate Referral Service if you are interested in being recruited by law schools and opportunities for application fee waivers.
- Begin thinking about letters of recommendation. Who would you select? Plan to meet with them.
- Attend the Academic Advising Center’s Personal Statement and Credential Assembly Service Workshops.
Fourth Year | - Select the law schools you want to apply to. Your list should include reach schools, target schools and safety schools.
- Meet with your pre-law advisor to discuss your applications.
- Download law school applications from the Credential Assembly Service (CAS) beginning September 1st.
- Write your personal statement. Plan on having many drafts and having trusted people review it with you.
- Write your resume and optional essays or addenda.
- Attend a Law School Fair.
- Request your transcripts.
- Track your submitted applications through each school’s Status Check website.
- Know FAFSA deadlines and apply for financial aid at each school you applied to.
- If you are waitlisted, advocate for your admission by submitting letters of continued interest and maintaining contact with the admissions office.
- If you applied prior to December and have not been admitted by the end of fall semester, submit an updated transcript with your fall grades.
- Attend Admitted Students Days at any school you were admitted to and are considering attending.
- Plan to pay your seat deposit at a law school by the deadline, typically in April, even if you are still waitlisted elsewhere. You can always attend that school if admitted even if you paid a seat deposit somewhere else.