Pre-Athletic Training w/ Exercise Science BS (U2G)

Athletic Trainers (ATs) are healthcare professionals who render service or treatment under the direction of, or in collaboration with, a physician in accordance with their education, training and applicable laws. As a part of a healthcare team, AT services include injury and illness prevention, wellness promotion and education, emergent care, examination and clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention, and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions.  

Students interested in applying for the MSAT  (Master of Science in Athletic Training) must complete the Pre-AT requirements along with their chosen bachelor’s degree. Pre-AT students who major in Exercise Science may potentially earn their bachelor’s and MSAT in five total years. This option, known as Undergrad-to-Grad (U2G), may best fit Exercise Science students who know from their first semester they want to pursue an MSAT.

 Admission to the MSAT is competitive with a limited number of seats available. Applicants must meet technical standards, pass background checks, comply with health and safety standards, and meet vaccination requirements. 

Pre-AT + Exercise Science (U2G) Sample Schedule

U2G students must complete all Year 1-3 courses AND earn 98 s.h. toward graduation by end of Spring Year 3

Year 1:

Fall SemesterSpring Semester
AT:1010 Exploring AT 1sh
(offered Fall only)
CHEM:1080 General Chemistry II  3 sh
CHEM:1070 Gen Chem I  3 sh
(GE: Natural Science)
CPH:1400 Public Health  3 sh
(or CPH:1600, or CPH:1800)
HHP:2200 Physical Activity & Health  3 sh
(GE: Values & Culture)
BIOL:1141 Human Biology: Health Professions  4 sh
(preferred; others also accepted)
(GE: Natural Science with lab)
RHET:1030 Rhetoric  4 sh
(or other GE as needed)
General Education course  3 sh
PSY:1001 Elementary Psychology  3 sh
(GE: Social Science)
General Education course  3 sh
CSI:1600 Success at Iowa  2 sh 
Total 16 shTotal 16 sh


Year 2:

Fall SemesterSpring Semester
STAT1020 Elementary Statistics & Inference  3 sh
(GE: Quantitative and Formal Reasoning)
PHYS:1400 Basic Physics (with lab)  4 sh
HHP:1100 Human Anatomy  3 shHHP:1300 Fundamentals of Human Physiology  3 sh
HHP:2310 Nutrition & Health  3 shHHP:3045 Physical Activity Psychology  3 sh
GE: World Language  4 sh
(if needed)
GE: World Language  4 sh
(if needed)
General Education course  3 sh 
Total 16 shTotal 14-15 sh
CLSA:3750 Medical Terminology 2 sh
(offered online)
CSED:4199 Counseling for Related Professions  3 sh
(offered online)
Total 5 sh

Year 3:

Fall SemesterSpring Semester
HHP:2350 Biomechanics of Sport and Physical Activity  3 shAT:1200 First Aid/CPR/AED for AT  2 sh
(offered Spring only)
HHP:3400 Applied Exercise Physiology  3 shHHP:4200 Metabolic Exercise Testing and Prescription  4 sh
HHP:4310 Sport & Exercise Nutrition  3 shMusculoskeletal Exercise Testing and Prescription  4 sh
GE: World Language  4 sh
(if needed)
HHP:1110 Human Anatomy Laboratory
General Education course  3 shGE: World Language  4 sh
(if needed)
Apply to MSAT by February 1 of Year 3 using ATCASGeneral Education course  3 sh
Total 16-17 shTotal 17-18 sh

 Begin AT courses; finish Exercise Science requirements. 62 sh

Summer (BEgin MSAT in early june. Complete exercise science requirements in the summer)
AT:3060 Advanced Anatomy for AT  4 sh
(Exercise Science major elective. Permission will be granted to take this if accepted to MSAT.)
AT:4000 Foundations of AT Practice  3 sh
AT:4075 Med Emergency Techniques  2 sh
(Exercise Science major elective. Permission will be granted to take this if accepted to MSAT.)
Total 9 sh

Year 4:

Fall SemesterSpring Semester
AT:4125 Clinical Experience I  3 shAT:4250 Orthopedic Pathology & Clinical Examination II  4 sh
ATL4200 Orthopedic Pathology & Clinical Examination  4 shAT:4375 Nutrition for AT  2 sh
AT:4300 Therapeutic Interventions  2 shAT:4450 Applied Rehab Concepts  3 sh
AT:4400 Rehab Techniques  3 shAT:4525 Clinical Experience II
 AT:6300 Psychosocial Recognition and Referral  2 sh
Total 12 sh
Undergrad Degree in Exercise Science granted to U2G Students
Total 15 sh
AT:5000 Pathology and Assessment of Non-Orthopedic Conditions  3 sh
AT:5075 Diagnostic Imaging and Lab Studies  1 sh
AT:5200 Pathophysiology & Pharmacology in Sports Medicine  2 sh
Total 6 sh

Year 5: Final Year of MSAT

AT:6100 Research in AT  2 sh
AT:6250 Applied Research  2 sh
AT:6125 Clinical Experience III  6 shAT:6450 Advanced Topics in AT  1 sh
AT:6200 Administration and Leadership  2 sh
AT:6525 Clinical Experience IV  5 sh
AT:6400 Seminar in AT  2 sh
Total 12 shTotal 8 sh


Application Process

Application to the UI‘s Master of Science in Athletic Training (MSAT) opens in July prior to the once-a-year summer start date. The MSAT program requires two summer sessions. Submit through the Athletic Training Centralized Application Service (ATCAS).

Students are encouraged to apply early in the cycle. Applications (with all required MSAT materials) are reviewed upon submission. The application deadline is Feb. 1. If not at full cohort by Feb. 1, applications are considered on a rolling admission basis. Completing the application and meeting admission requirements do not guarantee admission.  A personal interview is required.

Please note:

  • Non-U2G students need a minimum undergraduate cumulative 3.0 GPA. 
  • U2G students need a minimum undergraduate cumulative 3.25 GPA
  • A C grade or better must be earned in all required courses.
  • It’s highly recommended to complete 50 hours of observation under Certified Athletic Trainers.  Use this verification form.
  • Submit the application through the Athletic Training Centralized Application Service (ATCAS) at
  • For the U2G program, complete at least 80 s.h. of undergraduate courses at the University of Iowa.
  • Transfer students must complete at least 30 s.h. at the University of Iowa.
  • U2G students must complete all Year 1-3 courses and earn 98 s.h. toward graduation by end of Spring Year 3.

For the full MSAT admission requirements, please see the separate MSAT Admission Criteria page.

Pre-AT Courses

The following courses are required for U2G students, and highly recommended for students pursuing Pre-AT with a traditional bachelor’s degree:

  • AT:1010 Exploring Athletic Training  1 s.h. Offered Fall ONLY
  • AT:1200 First Aid, CPR and AED 2 s.h. Offered Spring ONLY*
  • CPH:1400 Fundamentals of Public Health 3 s.h.**
  • CLSA:3750 Medical and Technical Terminology 2 s.h.
  • CSED:4199 Counseling for Related Professions 3 s.h.

The following Pre-AT courses are required for all students pursuing the MSAT:

  • CHEM:1070 Gen Chem I OR CHEM:1080 Gen Chem II OR CHEM:1110 Principles of Chem I  3-4 s.h.***
  • BIOL:1141 Human Biology: Health Professions 4 s.h. ****
  • PHYS:1400 Basic Physics with lab 4 s.h.
  • HHP:1100 Human Anatomy  3 s.h. 
  • HHP:1300 Fundamentals of Human Physiology 3 s.h.
  • HHP:3400 Applied Exercise Physiology 3 s.h.
  • PSY:1001 Elementary Psychology 3 s.h. 
  • HHP:2350 Biomechanics of Sport & Physical Activity 3 s.h.
  • HHP:2310 Nutrition & Health  3 s.h.
  • STAT:1020 Elementary Statistics and Inference  3 s.h.
* AT:1200 First Aid, CPR & AED certification lasts two years. Take the course so certification is current when beginning MSAT. It’s recommended to take the course in spring immediately prior to your anticipated Summer MSAT start date.
** CPH:1600 Public Health Science and CPH:1800 Social and Psych Determinants of Health are also accepted.
*** CHEM:1120 Principles of Chemistry II is also accepted.
**** BIOL:1141 is preferred.  BIOL:1140 Human Bio: Non-Majors or BIOL:1411 Foundations of Bio is also accepted


CLAS Gen Ed categories met with U2G courses:

  • CHEM:1070 General Chemistry I   3 s.h. - Natural Science without lab
  • BIOL:1141 Human Biology: Health Professions  4 s.h. - Natural Science with Lab
  • STAT:1020 Elementary Statistics  3 s.h. - Quantitative or Formal Reasoning
  • PSY:1001 Elementary Psychology  3 s.h. - Social Sciences
  • HHP:2200 Physical Activity and Health 3 s.h. – Values & Culture

CLAS Gen Ed categories not met with U2G courses:

  • Rhetoric
  • Interpretation of Literature
  • World Language
  • Literary, Visual and Performing Arts
  • Historical Perspectives
  • International and Global Issues
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Sustainability