

1.  Iowa Healthcare

  1. Volunteer Program
    Apply online in advance of listed deadlines.  Limited capacity. 
    If questions, contact: Volunteer Services Administrator, (319) 356-2515
  2. Nursing Assistants:
    Nursing Services and Patient Care, T100 GH, 200 Hawkins Dr.
    Contact: 319-356-2285.  See also merit job openings 

2.  Iowa Healthcare Downtown – 500 Market Street

  1. Volunteer Program 

3.  Veterans Administration Medical Center – 601 Highway 6 West

  1. Volunteer Program
    Contact: Chief, Voluntary Service, (319) 338-0581, ext. 6279.
  2. Nursing Assistants
    (Certification beneficial but not required; part-time work available)
    Contact: Human Resources Office, (319) 338-0581.

Clinics & Other

1.  Free Medical Clinic – 2440 Towncrest Drive, Iowa City, IA 52240
Contact: (319) 337-4459.  Website preferred for volunteer applications and submissions.
General volunteers are used in limited capacities of patient guides and receptionists.  Phlebotomists (training required), pharmacists and interpreters are needed.  Check the website to see if you meet the volunteer requirements. 

2.  Mobile Clinic
Mobile clinic is interested in volunteers from many areas including, but not limited to: dentistry, public health, social work, medicine, pharmacy, undergraduates, and Spanish and Arabic speakers.  Most availability is at the beginning of the school year.   Apply online.

3.  Compeer—507 East College St.
Contact: Deb Moore, Program Director, (319) 338-7884, ext.245 or     
Compeer is a not-for-profit organization which matches community volunteers in supportive friendship relationships with adults receiving mental health treatment.  The application is online.

4.  The Arc of Southeastern Iowa—2620 Muscatine Ave.
Contact:  Family Services Associate, (319) 351-5017
Volunteer and paid positions are available to assist developmentally disabled adults and children in respite care, community living, employment, after-school camp, and summer day camps.  Office help needed during the work week.  Help working with families and siblings also needed.   The volunteer application is available at the website.                                                                                                                                                                          

5.  Iowa City Hospice – 1025 Wade Street
Contact: Volunteer Coordinator (319) 688-4216 or  
Hospice provides respite care for terminally ill patients.  Volunteers can call to be placed on the list for training to work with patients and families.  Minimum 6 months to 1 year commitment strongly preferred.  Training offered twice yearly; 14 hours of training required.  Please see website for more details; the application is online.

6.  Systems Unlimited –2533 Scott Blvd.
Contact: Human Resources (319) 338-9212
Program provides services for individuals with a range of developmental disabilities throughout homes in the Iowa City area.  Volunteers can assist with day programming and vocational activities at Employment Systems.  Activities can include, but are not limited to, going to movies and parks, doing crafts and playing games. The volunteer form is on the website. 

7.  Emma Goldman Clinic – 227 N. Dubuque St.
Contact:  (319) 337-2111 or
Feminist reproductive health clinic providing health services to men and women.  Volunteers needed for patient advocacy, reception, walk-in counseling, fundraising and educational outreach.  Volunteer applications on website.

8.  CommUnity Crisis Services and Food Bank – 1121 Gilbert Ct. or call (319) 351-2726
The volunteer application is available on the website.  The CommUnity Crisis Services and Food Bank offers Johnson Co. residents services through the crisis hotline, emergency utilities assistance and food bank.  Volunteers are needed for staffing the food bank and hotline.  Training is provided.  The center prefers at least 10 hours minimum service.

9.  RVAP (Rape Victim Advocacy Program)—332 S. Linn St., Suite 100
Contact: Volunteer Coordinator, (319) 335-6001.  Apply online.  Six session training; one year minimum commitment.
Comprehensive sexual abuse response center serving teen and adult victims and survivors.  Advocacy, 24-hour hotline, education, support.

Nursing Homes

Nursing Homes

  1. Briarwood Health Care Center – 605 Greenwood Drive
    (319) 338-7912
  2. Iowa City Rehabilitation and Health Care Center – 3661 Rochester Ave.
    (319) 351- 7460
  3. Lantern Park Nursing and Rehab Center – 2200 Oakdale Rd., Coralville  
    (319) 351-8440
  4. Oaknoll Retirement Residence – 1 Oaknoll Court
    (319) 466-3026
    The volunteer application is online.