students dancing, kayaking, hiking, and playing in Hawkeye Marching Band

Here you’ll find a list of available courses that earn elective credit. These courses might enhance or supplement your major and General Education courses by teaching you new skills, letting you continue to develop a hobby or interest, or helping you explore new opportunities.

ARTS 1060 Elements of Digital Photography (3)

ARTS 1070 Elements of Graphic Design (3)

CCP 1306 UI STEP – Student to Employed Profession (2)

CCP 3103 Moneywise (2)

CCP 3104 Defining Your Career Path (2)

CLSA 3742/WRIT 3742 Word Power: Building English Vocabulary (3)

COMM 1130 The Art of Persuading Others (3)

COMM 2054 Movements, Protest, Resistance (3)

CNW 2680/ENGL 2730 The Art and Craft of Creative Nonfiction (3) (topics vary by section)

CPH 2230 Finding Patient Zero (3)

CRIM 1447 Intro to the Criminal Justice System (3)

CSED 1101/PSQF 1101 Introduction to the Helping Professions (3)

CSED 2081 Making a Vocational-Educational Choice (2, 3)

CSI 1400 Explore Iowa, Explore You: Scientific Strategies for Success (2)

EDTL 2073 Finding Comfort Zone: Secrets to Success (3)

ENVS 3230 Special Topics: Prairie Restoration (3)

EPLS 4020 Engaging in Civic Dialogues (3)

EVNT 3154 Foundations of Event Management (3)

FREN 1040 French for Travelers (2)

GWSS 2078/SPST 2078 Women, Sport, and Culture (3)

IS 2115/HRTS 2115 Introduction to Human Rights (3)

JMC 1050/SMC 1050 Sport and the Media (3)

LS 1020 Introduction to Leadership (3)

LS 2002 Career Leadership Academy Part 1 (3)

LS 2020 Women in Leadership (3)

LS 2022 Leading from the Margins (3)

MED 1100 Introduction to Health Care Professions (3)

MUS 1007 Garage Band: The Basics (2)

MUS 1100 Fundamentals of Music for Non-Majors (3)

PHAR 1812 What’s in My Medicine Cabinet? (2)

PSQF 1050 Learning Online Successfully (2)

PSQF 1075 Educational Psychology and Measurement (3) 

PSQF 3115 Sport and Performance Psychology (3) 

PSQF 3215 Applied Health Psychology (3)

RHET 2610/THTR 2610 Acting for Success (3)

SRM 1060 Contemporary Issues in Sports (3)

THTR 2620 Improv for Engineers & the Curious (3)

BIOL 1808 Ways of Knowing Science

CCP 1300 Major and Career Explorations

CCP 2004 Internships: Search, Secure, and Succeed

CCP 3102 MoneyWise

CCP 3203 InvestmentWise

CINE 2627 Film Club

CSI 1100 College Transition Seminar

CSI 1213 Special Topics I (choose from Digital and Social Media for Personal Success; Media Well-Being: Effective Use of Artificial Intelligence for Student Success; or Strategic Communication, Entertainment, and Social Media Tools for Success)

CSI 2150 Open Minded: A Curiosity-Fueled Approach to Choosing Your Major

EDTL 2073 Finding Comfort Zone: Secrets to Success

EES 2010/GEOG 2010/ENVS 2010 Interdisciplinary Environmental Seminar: Discovering Research, Exploring Careers, Building Connections

ENGL 2030 Literary Readings Attendance

ENGL 2040 English at Work

HONR 1100 Honors Primetime (topics vary by section)

HHP 1050 Exploring Health and Human Physiology

HPAS 1000 Healthy Relationships, Sexuality & You

HPAS 1001 Alcohol and Your College Experience

HPAS 1002 Vaping, Tobacco Use, and Your College Experience

HPAS 1005-1610 Health and Physical Activity Skills (many different options – see MyUI)

IS 2500 Working Internationally 

LLS 1100-1660 Lifetime Leisure Skills (many different options, e.g. camping, canoeing, team building, scuba, kickboxing – see MyUI) 

LS 2013 Strengths-Based Leadership

MILS 1095 Advanced Military Fitness Training

MUS 1001 Group Piano I: Non-Music Majors

MUS 1010 Recital Attendance for Non-Majors

MUS 1020 Performance Instruction for Non-Majors (many different options – see MyUI) 

MUS 1160 University Band

MUS 1165 Hawkeye Marching Band  

MUS 1176 Voxman Chorale ( for students who sing in the soprano or alto range)

MUS 1180 Campus Symphony Orchestra 

MUS 1210 Recital Attendance

MUS 3162 All University Steel Band

MUS 3172 Camerata Singers

PSY 1010 Learning about Learning

RHET 1010 Writing for Academic Success (see advisor) 

WRIT 1600 Fast Fixes: Improved Writing in 6 Weeks (must have Rhetoric completed)