As you explore, other people you connect with will be among the most valuable resources in the process. They can help you gain insights about yourself and your interests, connect you with more information about opportunities, and help you figure out next steps to engage more.
Get to Know Those in Your College Network
Realize that you have a built-in support network at the university. There are many professionals on campus who enjoy getting to know students and helping them reach their academic, career, and personal goals. Get to know these people.
Talk with your Instructors
Your instructors are experts in their area, and most of them love connecting with students around their interests. Are you taking a class you enjoy? Stop by your instructor’s student drop-in hours and ask them how they got into this field!
Meet with Your Advisor
Academic advisors are here to help, no matter where you are in the process. Advisors at the AAC are the campus experts on exploring majors and we can’t wait to talk with you!
Work with a Career Coach
Career Coaches in the Pomerantz Career center are experts on helping students research career fields and build professional experience. They are here to support students at any stage of this process – including being open and exploring!
Engage with Others
There are tons of student organizations on campus that help students connect with each other as well as professionals in fields of interest. Even if you’re not sure what you want for your major or career, getting involved on campus will help you build skills, make connections, and cultivate interests that matter to you!
Getting to know professionals in career areas you are considering is extremely important. Learning about different kinds of jobs, discovering new opportunities, and developing connections are just a few of the many benefits of networking.
Student Organizations & Campus Invovelment
Learn more about the 600+ student organizations and how to get started connecting with others on campus and in the community.
The networking section on the Pomerantz Career Center's website has lots of helpful information. Be sure to look over the 'Networking in your College Years' and 'Resources' sections.
Arrange an Informational Interview or Job Shadow
An excellent way to discover more about a career is through job shadowing, which allows participants to observe someone doing the job in a real-world setting. Another good way to find out more about a career of interest is to speak with someone in that career field. This is what informational interviews are all about. Talking with someone in the career field you are considering can help you answer many of the same questions that you would with job shadowing:
- Are the responsibilities and daily tasks of this job what I expected? Do I think I would enjoy them?
- What is the work environment like?
- Are there things that I might not like about the job?
- What kind of person might enjoy this career, and for whom might it not be a good fit?
Guide to Informational Interviews
Learn more about what informational interviews are, how to set them up, and how to prepare to get the most out of them.
Job Shadowing
Arranging a job shadow can involve more work than setting up an informational interview. The added benefit, though, is seeing what a 'day-in-the-life' looks like in person. It can teach you a great deal about work environments, professionalism, and daily responsibilities of a position.